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July Shadi Muhurat 2024

July Shadi Muhurat 2024

Marriage is more than just a ceremony, it is the beautiful union of two souls, a journey that begins with a promise to share life’s joys and challenges together. It is a celebration of love, commitment, and the creation of a new family. 

According to Hindu Mythology, any special work is performed at auspicious times. It is mostly considered for major events like weddings. This tradition has been followed for centuries and remains common today. It is believed that anything performed in this auspicious time commonly known as shubh muhurat ensures success and removes any obstacles. Since, a wedding is a life changing event for everyone, subh vivah Muhurat, must be considered for success and a peaceful married life.  Here are some of the best marriage muhurat in 2024 according to the Hindu Panchang.

Day and Date
11 July 2024, Thursday
12 July 2024, Friday 
13 July 2024, Saturday
14 July 2024, Sunday
15 July 2024, Monday

This July, with limited auspicious dates available, it’s the perfect time to embrace the significance of this season and start planning the wedding of your dreams. The weeks leading up to these rare Muhurat days offer ample time for thoughtful preparation. So, take advantage of these special days in July, and begin your planning now to create a wedding that is as extraordinary as your love story.

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Marriage and Shubh Muhurat in Hinduism

In Hinduism, marriage is one of the most important of the 16 samskaras, symbolizing a second birth and the union of two families. To ensure the success and happiness of the couple, it’s crucial to choose an auspicious time for the ceremony, known as Shubh Muhurat. This is determined through Panchang Shuddhi, which considers various elements of the Hindu Panchang like solar and lunar months, Nakshatra, Yoga, and Karana. Marrying at the right time is believed to bring long-lasting joy and prosperity to the couple and their families. 

Here are the key aspects of Marriage muhurat in 2024:

  • 16 Samskaras: Marriage is one of the most important of the 16 samskaras in Hinduism. 
  • Second Birth: Marriage is seen as a second birth for individuals, symbolizing the union of two families. 
  • Panchang Shuddhi: This process is used to find an auspicious day and time for the wedding, ensuring the timing is right for various rituals. 
  • Hindu Panchang: By considering solar and lunar months, Nakshatra, Yoga, and Karana, auspicious marriage dates and times for 2024 are determined. 
  • Bond and Relationships: Marriage creates a bond between two individuals and their families, establishing important new relationships. 
  • Auspicious Timing: Marrying at a favorable time is believed to ensure long-lasting happiness and prosperity for the couple and their families.

Auspicious Dates, Nakshatras, Yogas, and Karanas for Lucky Wedding Dates 2024

Among the 27 constellations in astrology, only 11 are deemed suitable for marriage. Here’s how to determine the shubh Shadi Muhurat 2024:

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  • Karanas: The following Karanas are considered very auspicious for marriage: Kikinstughna Karan, Bawa Karan, Balavi Karan, Kaulav Karan, Taitila Karan, Garo Karan, and Vanija Karan. 
  • Muhurta: The most auspicious times for marriage are Abhijeet Muhurta and Godhuli Bela Muhurta. 
  • Dates: The dates Dwitiya, Tritiya, Panchami, Saptami, Ekadashi, and Trayodashi are considered favorable for marriage. 
  • Nakshatras: The following Nakshatras are auspicious for marriage:

o Rohini Nakshatra (4th Nakshatra)

o Mrigashira Nakshatra (5th Nakshatra)

o Magha Nakshatra (10th Nakshatra)

o Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra (12th Nakshatra)

o Hasta Nakshatra (13th Nakshatra)

o Swati Nakshatra (15th Nakshatra)

o Anuradha Nakshatra (17th Nakshatra)

o Mool Nakshatra (19th Nakshatra)

o Uttarashada Nakshatra (21st Nakshatra)

o Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra (26th Nakshatra)

o Revati Nakshatra (27th Nakshatra)

  • Yogas: The Yogas that are considered very favorable for marriage are Preeti Yoga, Saubhagya Yoga, and Harshan Yoga, as they bring beneficial outcomes for the couple.

Choosing the right date for marriage is a deeply significant practice in Hinduism, by considering various factors you can find the most auspicious and Lucky Wedding Dates 2024. Following these traditions not only honors the rich cultural heritage but also brings peace of mind to the families involved, knowing that the marriage is blessed by the stars and the universe.

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